I've always been intrigued by blogs and have been a lurker on my friends blogs for years. The excuse of "I don't have enough time" has worn pretty thin and I've decided to step up and test it out. Besides, I'm moving on Monday and its a time of new beginnings.
This week has definitely been memorable. I took my first trip to the Emergency Room last Wednesday. Much to my chagrin, I was kinda pressured into going and it turned out to be only a minor problem. It all started when I told my friend I was having a pain on the right side of my abdomen and that it had kept me up all night the previous night. I pointed to the location and he said, "Go to the doctor! That could be appendicitis!" I tried to ignore the comment but as we all know, some comments like that stick in your subconscious and make you think, "Is it really that serious?" So after a little more prodding from several different people including my parents I decided to at least go the urgent care place. I was quite promptly told by the doctor that I should go to the ER to get blood work done and an ultra-sound. Again, I didn't think it was all that serious and I tried to ignore it. But those same friends and the all too familiar family peer-pressured me into going to the ER to endure unpleasant tests and needles just so they could tell me. "Go home, take some ibuprofen and go to the doc in 3-5 days if it doesn't get better." So, to sum up, I spent 3 hours of my time lying in a bed wishing I had listened to my gut (no pun intended!).
They just made it that much more difficult to get me to the ER next time. :)
9 Years Ago
1 month ago