I have decided to run the Bolder Boulder this year. I just couldn't live with myself if I lived in boulder for 8 years and never did it. Thus, I decided to get my feet slapping against the dirt again so that I can actually make it through all 6.2 miles (10km) without stopping. I went online to find a novice training schedule that would bring me up to a level that would be sufficient. Seeing as how there are only 6 weeks til Memorial Day I figured I would have plenty of time. Unfortunately, all I found was an 8 week schedule. So I thought, "No big deal" I'll cut the first two weeks off and jump right in.
Bad idea!
I've haven't been running religiously since last summer. In fact, I've only been doing 1 - 1.5 mile run every other week. When I added in the strength I have from Ballet and I figured I'd be fine. The training recipe called for a 3.5 mile run my first day (which should have been the beginning of the 3rd week). I knew it was going to be tough but I figured I could do it. I was wrong. I only made it 2.5 miles (with a couple of minutes of walking in the middle) before my back and my knees were screaming at me to stop. I went back to the schedule and it turns out that if I had started two weeks ago, the first run I would have had to do is a 2.5 mile run. So I'm just going to have to accept being two weeks behind and hopefully gain a little ground as I progress through the next couple weeks.
9 Years Ago
1 month ago