I was bored so I filled this out...
Four places I've lived
1. Colorado Springs, CO
2. Boulder, CO
3. Hancock, Maine
4. Glenwood Springs, CO
Four favorite books
1. Wheel of Time Series - Robert Jordan
2. Mistborn (the first book only)- Brandon Sanderson
3. Enchantment - OSC
4. Ender's Game - OSC
Four Favorite Movies
(these are just some that popped into my mind... I don't really have "favorite" movies)
1. Princess Bride - You really can’t argue with the classics
2. Serenity
3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (I know, its tacky but, hey!, I won't judge yours if you don't judge mine)
4. Return of the Jedi
Four embarrassing facts about me
1. I can't do arithmetic without a calculator but I can do vector calculus.
2. I can't focus on a conversation in a group setting so I always end up embarrassing myself when I say something completely unrelated to the topic on hand. Of course, in my mind it was right on cue with everything around me. :) Mostly it's just cause I can't focus for any length of time.
3. I tend to be lazy if someone doesn't give me anything to do. My self-motivation starts lacking when I think no one is watching.
4. I feel like I've fallen behind in life. So much so that I've been lapped several times by my friends. Of course, going back to school didn't really help with that...
Four dreams of mine
1. Be part of an interplanetary mission of some sort to advance mankind's understanding of the universe.
2. I want to be a great mother. Not OK, or sufficient, but great! Fantastic! Outstanding! I want my kids to be strong and independent and able to make the world a better place for everyone around them.
3. I want to make my Heavenly Father proud.
4. Finding a husband who is my best friend, is motivated, loves to travel, likes the outdoors, is practical, loves to laugh and who embraces my weird sci-fi/fantasy side.
Four pet Peeves
1. The dumb buttons on the front of a device such as a DVD player that require more force to push then than it does to push the whole device across the table. Seriously! Its a simple calculation that gets ignored by those dumb mechanical/electrical engineers.
2. People who don't even try to become self-sufficient and who think that the world owes them something. Whether they leech off their families, or their friends, or the government, these people should be locked up in a community of their own for some kind of social experiment and never let out again.
3. The crazy drivers that own the fancy cars that go from 0 to 60 mph in some unspeakable time and think that they have more of a right to be on the roads than me and my car that will get to 60 in about 2 minutes. The worst is when you're driving over mountain passes and they honk at you to go faster when you're just praying to reach the top.
4. Obesity. Seriously! How hard is it to not take seconds at dessert, eat veggies and run around the block everyday! Have a little respect for yourself, please!
Four things that make me really happy
1. A productive day. Sure its nice to kick back once in a while, but its also very fulfilling to come home and know that the world just got a little better because of me.
2. Playing in a symphony. Never in my whole life have I found something that requires more team work and coordination than creating music with 50 other musicians. Its an unbelievable feeling.
3. People who are naturally witty. They make me smile. :)
4. If I had a dog, he/she would be listed here. There's nothing sweeter than the pure love of a pet. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "I long to be the person my dog thinks I am." I second that quote. When I graduate I will get a dog and I will love it unconditionally.
9 Years Ago
1 month ago
1 comment:
You said some prettu cool stuff here.
I am sorry to hear remots frustrate you. Oddly enough I am too lazy to extend my hand to reach for the remote, so instead I will get up and walk 6 ft to the TV to change the channel. I have not been able to figure out why I do that.
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