Life decisions are tough. Is it already almost 2009? Where did the time go???
Graduate School - Pros
- I know school and its an easy "next step"
- Increases my chances of getting a job at JPL (if the degree is in Aerospace)
- Will ensure job security in the future (assuming government stability)
- Would have more $$$ in the future than would be available now with a BS
- Stay in Colorado next to my mountains :)
- Learn more stuff
- Get to teach and TA classes
- Live the schedule of a student instead of a 9-5 job
"Real World" - Pros
- $$$$$ now!
- Change of lifestyle with new life experiences
- Possibly move across the country
- Meet new people!
- I would be able to get a dog!
- Be financially independent
- Help my siblings through college
- Have more free time to pursue hobbies
- Don't have to take the GRE
Any suggestions, anyone?
9 Years Ago
1 month ago
I don't know. . . Are you ready to get married yet? :)
Do both! Robert is going to grad school now, and Lockheed is paying the way (essentially full ride). He says any decent large corp. employer will do this (he thinks JPL is such). He goes to class one night a week right now. Even if he only ever does one class per term he'll get done in three years. Plus he says that work experience will help you better get or retain a job than a degree. Best of both worlds, no?
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