The reason why I said "recently started using, again" is because there is a delicate balance that must be upheld when one lives on their own. You see, although the container offers air-tight protection, nothing can maintain butter indefinately; even the freezer. When I first got my porcelain chassis, I would put an entire stick of butter in the lid. Unfortunately, (and fortunately for my heart) I do not eat a whole stick of butter very quickly. I learned relatively quickly that rotten butter smells almost as bad as rotten fish. Seeing how this is not a scent Victoria's Secret would pick up in its next round of perfumes, I decided to quit using it until a future date when I had a family to help me dispose of the butter in a manner more pleasing to the senses.
When I moved into my new apartment and ran across my porcelain container as I was unpacking boxes, I decided to give it one more shot. This time, I only put in about 1/3 of a stick each time I refilled. It works! I can now get through my butter without the rancid disposal process.
That sounds like a sweet dish to have around!
Though, I must admit.. Since we mostly only use butter for cooking at my house, and so it's always in the fridge.. and at my parents' house it never lasts long enough to go bad.. I didn't realize that butter DID go bad... though it does make sense that it would.. hehe. Learn something new every day!
ps. I like the new picture!
I'm not sure I could LIVE without my butter dish! :) How's life in Phoenix? You haven't forgotten your ownn name yet have you? :)
Is my name Tara or Faile? I'm so confused. :)
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