The other night I left my headlights on when I went into the gym. Two hours later when I came out, my car battery was completely dead. It was already an old battery prior to moving to AZ but it had also been baked in the Arizona sun for a year. It was so dead that jumping it didn't even work. That started the evening on a very long adventure. Let me explain...
My friend came to give me a jump start: it didn’t work. Neither of us had tools on hand so we figured we would go to the car parts store and pick up a battery. Then we would go to the church building where the singles were playing volleyball until all hours of the night. We went to the car parts store and they had NO idea which battery to get since I didn’t bring in my old one. So we went to another car parts store and successfully purchased one 5 minutes before closing (10pm). And then it was off to volleyball! We thought for sure that out of 35+ people someone would have tools on them. Not so! A girl said that she lived around the corner and that her dad had lots of tools which seemed like our best option. In the process of asking around for tools we had gathered quite a crowd that wanted to help/hang out. The total came to 7 people. We all tramped over to the house where her whole family came out to see who was there. 20-30 minutes later and after 2 or 3 family stories about dad and his tools we finally left to go back to the gym for my car. There, the boys seemed to think they could do a better job of replacing the battery then the engineer. Silly boys… tools are for girls! Once I took over, things went pretty smooth. But I didn’t get home until way after midnight. And on a night I was planning on going to the gym and going to bed early, that was significantly later then I wanted. Everything worked out in the end.
Except for the fact that the money I was planning on using for trapeze was eaten by a car battery.
9 Years Ago
1 month ago