I was lucky enough to catch both my tricks at the show. I've got some great stuff in store for the next one but it might not be for a long while since my sister is coming home (to Colorado) from her mission on the date of the next show. Maybe if you're lucky you'll see some videos of practice instead.
Just as a side note, I had been Scuba diving all day out at the lake. So you can only imagine how exhausted I was. I slept well afterwards. :)
Whip Catch - 26 June 2010
Split Catch - 26 June 2010
9 Years Ago
1 month ago
Aaaaaawesome!!! Seriously, you do the coolest things! You rock!
Thanks so much! Looks like there are quite a few schools nears you. I highly recommend it! http://www.damnhot.com/trapeze/trapezelinks2.html
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