My first homework assignment for my "Spacecraft Design" class was to come up with 50 things that I tolerated. I spent so much time brainstorming I thought I'd share. (By the way, 50 is a LOT!)
1. I tolerate long winters (I’m primarily a summer girl!)
2. I tolerate having an old car (1987)
3. I tolerate living with a roommate
4. I tolerate guests wearing shoes in my house
5. I tolerate living far from my family
6. I tolerate having short nails because I’m a musician
7. I tolerate people singing off key at church
8. I tolerate wearing high heels occasionally (they make me a giant!)
9. I tolerate having a messy desk (since I can’t seem to keep it clean)
10. I tolerate my leaky refrigerator
11. I tolerate having an old computer that won’t run new software because they don’t make it compatible with Windows 2000 anymore
12. I tolerate being so busy I have to say no to my friends when they want to hang out
13. I tolerate my mom’s dog (who replaced my childhood dog when he died)
14. I tolerate people who talk loudly on their cell phones in the computer labs
15. I tolerate long waits at restaurants (most of the time)
16. I tolerate when my sister talks to other people when I’m on the phone with her
17. I tolerate those who think they have a hard major when its really chump change next to Aerospace
18. I tolerate classes that I have no interest in (such as Aircraft Dynamics) in order to take the cool classes like Spacecraft Design
19. I tolerate people who inefficiently merge onto the freeway
20. I tolerate drivers of SUV’s who think they are 4 times better than me just because their vehicle is 4 times the size of mine
21. I tolerate bicyclists who are stupid enough to not wear a helmet (Seriously, these people should be taken out of the human gene pool)
22. I tolerate keeping my heat at 67 degrees (F) in the winter to save money
23. I tolerate having to fight my neighbors for parking in order to have the master bedroom in my apartment
24. I tolerate the girls on the other side of campus that have less mass in their brains then they do in their clothing
25. I tolerate people who listen to iPods any time they think they don’t have to communicate with others
26. I tolerate people who call me Katrina instead of Karina
27. I tolerate Pepsi but strongly prefer Coke
28. I tolerate traffic
29. I tolerate sharing a bathroom
30. I tolerate obesity in others
31. I tolerate the fact that my roommate does not clean her hair out of the drain in the shower
32. I tolerate loud drunk people I run into on the street
33. I tolerate people who talk on their cell phones while ordering food at a restaurant
34. I tolerate people who talk on their cell phone while riding the bus
35. I tolerate my mom’s “elephant walking” around the house at 6am when I go home for the holidays
36. I tolerate the pop up window that appears when you plug a thumb drive into a computer
37. I tolerate pop music
38. I tolerate the stained carpet in my apartment
39. I tolerate politicians
40. I tolerate people who sing a song loudly even though its obvious that they don’t know all the lyrics
41. I tolerate the fact that going into Aerospace Engineering limits the jobs I can have mostly to the United States
42. I tolerate the fact that I have books in boxes because I do not have enough bookcases to house them
43. I tolerate outdoor smokers (but not indoor smokers)
44. I tolerate people who dress their pets up in clothes
45. I tolerate any type of solicitors
46. I tolerate having to answer the same medical questions 3-4 times every time I go to the doctor’s office
47. I tolerate when the toilet paper is placed with the unwinding end coming out the bottom instead of the top when I’m visiting someone else’s home
48. I tolerate having to switch computers any time I need to use Office 2007
49. I tolerate not having a soundcard on my most “up-to-date” computer
50. I tolerate ice in my water at restaurants even when I specifically asked for none
9 Years Ago
1 month ago
I am impressed by your tolerance :)
Though, I was especially amused by #18.. hehe. Think you'll get brownie points? :)
Wow that's a lot of tolerance!How long did it take you to come up with that list?
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