Today is the last day before I have to re-admit myself to my final semester as an undergraduate student. Looking back over the last 3 weeks I'm curious as to where my time went. I had plans to apply for jobs and finish quilting projects and finish unpacking my apartment and write a bunch of software for senior design and visit family and go hiking and catch up with friends. And yet, only a small percentage of that list was actually completed.
I can sit around wishing I had gotten all that stuff done and pretending that I don't know where the time went or I can fess up and let you all know exactly what I did with it. I wasted it. Utterly and completely.
But here's whats strange. A part of me claims that I wasn't wasting time. I was re-charging my batteries. It was a waste in the sense that I could've had all sorts of stuff done. But it wasn't a waste because I can now recognize that it was a waste. Ugh, I'm so confused. Was it wasted, or wasn't it?
9 Years Ago
1 month ago
1 comment:
"But it wasn't a waste because I can now recognize that it was a waste."
Hehe.. I'm confused too. However, it is not a bad thing to not be fully busy all the time. Seriously. Sometimes the body (and brain) needs a break and time to breathe between intense episodes. So, I don't think that just because you didn't get your list of things accomplished that your break necessarily was "wasted"... the real question is:
Do you feel better for having taken some time off?
Even if the answer is only a kinda, half-hearted, slightly guilt ridden "yes", I'd say your break was time well spent :)
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