Saturday, October 25, 2008

Paint colors

So I stayed up really late last night painting two walls in my room blue. The intention was to get rid of the ugly salmon color that my room has been since I moved in last September. Both colors can be seen in the photo. Unfortunately, I don't like the blue...

So now I have a room that I don't like at all and I'm out the $25 that I spent for the new paint. Maybe I should just paint the whole room white to avoid another color I don't like...


tilth said...

call auntie dori!! :) you could do a wash over the blue to calm it down a little? i love blue for a bedroom - it's good for the soul. (ginger)

Unknown said...

I totally understand loosing that salmon! Good luck finding a way to make the blue work! You'll have to post pictures of what you figure out.